Maurice-Tièche school complex

The school

The Ensemble Scolaire Maurice Tièche is a school committed to the balanced development of children and adolescents. Its Christian vision of education, solidly anchored, has been perpetuated since 1936 in Collonges-sous-Salève. 

Access to the website of the Ensemble scolaire Maurice Tièche

A complete cycle from kindergarten to baccalaureate

From kindergarten to high school through primary and secondary school, the Ensemble Scolaire Maurice Tièche has the reputation of transmitting high educational and moral values to children and young people. Here, character training is a priority: children and young people learn to control themselves, to take responsibility, to make the right choice by developing a spirit of decision. The teachers provide quality education at the local level.

A school with values

The management is both rigorous and benevolent. The natural environment in which the children and young people evolve offers them a permanent contact with nature. It is not uncommon to hear "former" students say that their time at Maurice Tièche was a highlight of their lives and guided them towards personal and professional success.

Brevet des Collèges and Baccalauréat

The college prepares for the Brevet National des Collèges.

The high school prepares for two series of the baccalauréat: 

  • The scientific series (S): option of SVT speciality, physics-chemistry or mathematics
  • The Economic and Social Sciences (ES) series: specialization option in political science, economics or mathematics.

Success rate for the Brevet des Collèges and Baccalauréat

We put everything in place for the success of our students, but we do not hesitate to give a chance to students who are fragile and this has an impact on our percentages . 

Results over the last 5 years:

Brevet des Collèges: 97%.

Baccalauréat: 82%.

Students per class

The number of students per class is limited to 25. Thereby, students can benefit from teachers full attention and close follow-up.  In the last two classes students are generally only a douzen in each series. Such small numbers per class are an optimal asset for better preperation to state exams.

Choice of foreign languages

  • First foreign language : English for all classes  (from Kindergarden to last grade)
  • Second foreign language: Spanish or German (from 5th form onwards)

It is possible to study other foreign languages by sdistant learning with the Centre National d’Enseignement à Distance (CNED). Inverting First language and second language is also possible from last year. L’inversion de la LV1 et de la LV2 est possible en classe de terminale pour l’épreuve du baccalauréat. 


All students have free access to the library to borrow books, access the internet, consult documentation and prepare their TPE. They also go there with a teacher for the studies of the high school and middle school classes (once a week) and the studies of the boarders (every evening). 


Michel Luthringer and Anna Miralpeix (assistant)

Maryline Fayard (elementary school)


Murielle Corpsd'homme and Sandrine Rosa, Assistants

  • Monday, Tuesday and Thursday: 8:00 am - 12:00 pm; 2:00 pm - 5:30 pm
  • Wednesday and Friday: 8:00 am - 12:30 pm

04 50 87 68 27

Schedules at hight school

  • From 8:00 to 12:40 am and from 2:00 to 4:50 pm.
  • Free on Wednesday and Friday afternoons.            There are no classes on Saturdays. 

Primary School Timetable

  • From 8:30 to 12:30 am and from 2:00 to 4:00 pm.
  • Free on Wednesday and Friday afternoons.            
    • There are no classes on Saturdays. 
  • Day care is organized from 7:50 to 8:30 am and from 4:00 to 5:00 pm.

School Transport

School transport tours are organised by the school to Geneva, Annemasse and Gaillard.

For more information

Access to the ESMT website