Professor of Systematic Theology

Born in Reunion Island in 1978, married to Alphie, father of Anne and Aldwyn

"God is love. And because He is love, He is good. Experiencing this every day leads us to know him more and to share him with others. Our life on earth is a journey. To give meaning to my life and to others from the biblical truth is the purpose of divine teaching: to know where we come from, to know why God has placed us where we are, and to know where we are going and its ultimate purpose - eternal life. To teach this is, by God's grace, first to live it. Theological studies must first be a daily encounter with the logos (written and personal), to give the other the desire to believe in it, to taste it and to share in turn the privilege of being called child of God. Maranatha!"


Professional background

Teaching and research areas

Courses taught: Dogmatics, Eschatology

Research areas: Ancient languages, Hebrew poetry, eschatology, predestination



"The "Idea" of Remainder in the Book of Daniel," SERVING: Adventist Journal of Theology 3 (2018): 17-35.

"Non-Animals offerings in the Prophets," Dynamic Stewardship 24.3 (July-Sept. 2020): 18-20.